Start of REMIT registration
Bundesnetzagentur has started the registration procedure for market participants of wholesale energy markets according to Art. 9 of REMIT.
For registration, Bundesnetzagentur applies the online registration tool CEREMP („Centralized European Register for Energy Market Participants“) provided by ACER.
Legal basis of the registration is the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT). German market participants are obliged to register with Bundesnetzagentur. Market participants who are not resident in the European Union can choose the National Regulatory Authority they register with. More detailed information regarding the registration obligation according to REMIT can be found in a leaflet of Bundesnetzagentur (“Merkblatt zu Adressaten von Registrierungs- und Datenmeldepflichten (pdf, 61 KB)“, German language).
Further information concerning registration, including a registration manual in German language as well as a link to the CEREMP registration portal, is provided in the REMIT information portal of Bundesnetzagentur in the section Registrierung.
Date of modification: 2015.03.06