Notification Platform
Market participants at the wholesale electricity and gas market are subject to several reporting obligations and duties to provide information which can be communicated to Bundesnetzagentur and ACER using the ACER notification platform.
The reporting obligations include the obligation to report the use of exceptions both for the prohibition of insider trading according to Article 3 (4) (b) REMIT and for the obligation to publish inside information according to Article 4 (2) REMIT as well as the reporting obligation according to Article 15 of REMIT.
Reporting obligations are fulfilled by providing accurate and complete reports via the ACER notification platform as the information will automatically be forwarded both to ACER and the responsible national regulatory authority – thus Bundesnetzagentur in Germany. An additional reporting to Bundesnetzagentur is not required.
Detailed information about the reporting as well as an access to the notification platform are available at the REMIT information portal of Bundesnetzagentur.
Date of modification: 2015.01.15